Revision Part Two: The Cycle
After two months, I am finally on the second set of revisions for Collision. Which means… more rewriting. I’ve only found about 13k words are usable from my first revision, mainly because it wasn’t cohesive enough to the main point of the story. My goal is to complete these revisions by the end of November during Nanowrimo- National Novel Writing Month! Meanwhile, I’ve been sorting through ideas for the next book(s): Until the Stars Fall and Immersion. At this point, I don’t know when I will get to them, since revising Collision has taken more time than I thought it would.
Until the Stars Fall
The main cast of Until the Stars Fall has been set in motion: Nyx, Myrun, Ydris, and Hateya will play major roles. I am not sure if this book will come out before or after Immersion yet, and Collision is still not ready. Speaking of Nyx, my art commission of her has been posted on both Instagram and Tiktok! Since some of you aren’t following me there, here is the commission by Bog_Mommy:

I call the piece “Vengeance” because it’s a key scene from Until the Stars Fall. But that’s all you’re getting for now. (I have written said scene, because I almost never write anything chronologically, which is always a problem for future me.)
Series vs Stand Alone
Since I have combined the ideas for Collision into a single book, the series will be more loosely connected stand alone stories. It will be better in order, but the idea is that the reader won’t have to have read the other books to understand what is going on. Perhaps things will change in the future, but for now, all the books I have planned will be chronological and stand alone. As much as I would love to do a series, I need to establish my first book… first.
This means Immersion‘s story will alter and the characters will not show up in Collision as much as I originally thought they would need to. However, this book will introduce the first of the ancient races: the syreni. (They’re sirens. Yes they do sing, but their magic strength comes from pitch rather than allure.) The kingdom the story takes place in will be mentioned in Collision. This set up will be important (partially) for Until the Stars Fall, since it focuses on the Fae from hundreds of years ago. (Note to self: add a tab for the different races and kingdoms for the readers!)
Time and Races
To summarize, there are three ancient races: Fae, Pyske, and Syreni. This means not all of the books will be set in the same era. Collision and Immersion are the closest to what might be considered “present time,” while Until the Stars Fall is mostly set in the past, and any part of the Cimmerian Chronicles is set in the future. (The Books tab lists all the stories in mostly chronological order!)
Here’s to nearing the end of the first goal, and hopefully, other books will take a far shorter time to establish and write. The first book is the biggest learning curve.
Until the Stars Fall,
Vivian Hale
Current Song: Osiris by the Sidh