• @vivianhalewrites
  • Wall of Glass, Alteniera

New Ideas and Still Revising

It’s been a few months (Five. It’s been five.) since I last posted, and I finally have some updates aside from yes, I’m still editing. Namely that Until the Stars Fall will likely be a trilogy! It’s still in the early stages, but the working titles are: Until the Griffins Return, Until the Sun Sets, and Until the Stars Fall being the final book. I’ve also done some heavy world building in the meantime, and I have updated the book list.


I have started the third set of revisions for Collision. I am hoping that after this, I will be able to send it out to my beta readers for feedback before I get into prose and line editing. The end is in sight, and the tentative release could be late summer if all goes to plan.

In my last post, I mentioned that characters wouldn’t carry over to Immersion. However, this is no longer the case. Two characters, Yseult and Ignacia, will become the main characters in that book! Other characters will likely reappear, but I haven’t gotten very far into revising my original drafts of Immersion. My time has mostly been taken up in world building and some newer concepts that will likely end up a book of their own.

World Building

As of right now, there are three worlds interconnected: Somniera (something like a semi-modern earth), Alteniera (medieval Europe with a dash of steampunk), and Tolniera (everything is overgrown and wild). I have also adjusted the base race throughout the worlds to be elves- humans don’t exist! This is due to the history of the worlds (which will be explained throughout various books. It isn’t fun if I just tell you in a blog post. More to come on that in future posts!

Two more general groupings of races have been added since my last post: Halias and Fyurum. These include creatures like dryads, naiads, fauns, centaurs, and types of shifters. They live primarily in Tolniera, and were added exclusively because of that new world. This brings me to a new concept that I have been working on alongside my editing.

New Book Concepts

I call it The Scaled Balance, but it will likely have a title change once I know where the story will end up. It deals with dragon-shifters (Lyncerti), elves, and kitsune (Vulmut). It is set in Tolniera, so it is a distinctly separate story from anything related to Collision and Immersion. For now, I can say it deals with a Vulmut potion maker as the main point of view character. Anything else would be a spoiler!

With the end in sight, I hope to make a blog post once a month, and if I don’t, well, it just means I don’t have any big news to share yet!

Until the Stars Fall,

Vivian Hale

Current Song: Avalanche by Steelfeather

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