• @vivianhalewrites
  • Wall of Glass, Alteniera

Editing Forever and a Day

Collision is at the halfway mark for the first major revisions. At least, that’s what I’m hoping. There are many scenes that need rewritten, especially for the latter half of the story. The cast of characters is nearly settled, though some minor roles need reassigned, and two major roles need some fixing. I’ve been getting some art commissions for different characters, and I hope to have some truly official art of Elise and Rae in the next couple of months! Finally, I’m getting into a routine to help complete (or nearly complete) the editing process of Collision by the end of this year.

Character Changes

Aramis (or Amrys, to be decided) and Solis took over Aleksi’s roles, but I still have some re-configuring to do. Their roles overlap a lot right now, and they need to be more separated to have use. There’s a possibility that Aramis/Amrys will need to “leave” the story for a time. There is also the small role of a maid and some guards that need names. Even Queen Melodie has some scenes that I have to rewrite due to the change in who she is!

I am getting the hang of writing Rae and Kala, though it’s less smooth than I originally thought. Kala has changed quite drastically from her original vision, but I think she suits the story more with these adjustments. However, I may have to write more challenges for Elise… her side of the story has gotten a little too smooth. The editing never ends– and there may come a point where I have to say it’s good enough!

Art Commissions

The first art piece I commissioned is of the character I mentioned in the previous blog post, Nyx! She actually is referenced in Collision, though you don’t get to see her or Maruz in person. They are far removed from these events. However, in other books I have planned, they will have much larger roles. (Their own book in my Books tab is getting renamed to Until the Stars Fall due to the tagline on my blog posts.)

The second art piece I am in the process of commissioning is one of Elise and Rae. Fingers crossed that what I am asking for is possible– I’ve had this image in my head for years, and I know it won’t look exactly how I envisioned, but I think this artist could pull it off. Hopefully, the next blog post will include those images!

Routine and Activity

As of right now, I have managed to keep working or editing six days a week, and I hope to continue that until this book is done! However, that means I will have less time for other things. I am mainly active on Tiktok, posting scene ideas that may or may not show up in my books. Instagram is further behind: I have about 2 or 3 videos that I have on Tiktok that I haven’t posted there. I was hoping to post more consistently, but editing and other things take priority until Collision is closer to completion.

Until the Stars Fall,

Vivian Hale

Current Song: Angels Will Rise by Twisted Jukebox

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