• @vivianhalewrites
  • Wall of Glass, Alteniera

Revision Part Two: The Cycle

After two months, I am finally on the second set of revisions for Collision. Which means… more rewriting. I’ve only found about 13k words are usable from my first revision, mainly because it wasn’t cohesive enough to the main point of the story. My goal is to complete these revisions by the end of November during Nanowrimo- National Novel Writing […]

Editing Forever and a Day

Collision is at the halfway mark for the first major revisions. At least, that’s what I’m hoping. There are many scenes that need rewritten, especially for the latter half of the story. The cast of characters is nearly settled, though some minor roles need reassigned, and two major roles need some fixing. I’ve been getting some art commissions for different […]

Still Editing: Focus on the Manuscript

Long time no see, huh? I have been writing, and quite a lot. I wrote 51,000 words on two characters that are integral to the past of Somniera and Alteniera (one may pop up in Collision!) and still have more ideas for them. (Some scenes about them are also on my Tiktok!) However, during May, June, and July I will […]