• @vivianhalewrites
  • Wall of Glass, Alteniera

New Year, New… Something

Me? Not quite. Update? Yes! The holidays were busy, so busy that I didn’t get much on my books done at all. Now that it’s almost February, I figured it was about time to remind everyone I still exist and I am, in fact, still working on Immersion. (If you want to keep in the loop with what I’m doing, […]

In the Planning Phase

Unfortunately, despite my grand plans for the month of November, reality struck. Collided, if you will. Immersed me in chaos. (Alright, alright, enough puns- for now.) For past stories, I created some vague chapter list that I would (as I have mentioned before) inevitably ignore. I have also just let my mind roam free, creating as I went. This month, […]

Gearing Up for Nanowrimo

This isn’t the first time I’ve done Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). In fact, one year I did hit my 50,000 year goal- about 40 minutes after midnight while I was in South Korea. However, I started with about 18,000 words. The project? The first draft of Collision. This was back in 2019. Now, two years later, I am attempting […]