• @vivianhalewrites
  • Wall of Glass, Alteniera

New Year, New… Something

Me? Not quite. Update? Yes! The holidays were busy, so busy that I didn’t get much on my books done at all. Now that it’s almost February, I figured it was about time to remind everyone I still exist and I am, in fact, still working on Immersion. (If you want to keep in the loop with what I’m doing, […]

In the Planning Phase

Unfortunately, despite my grand plans for the month of November, reality struck. Collided, if you will. Immersed me in chaos. (Alright, alright, enough puns- for now.) For past stories, I created some vague chapter list that I would (as I have mentioned before) inevitably ignore. I have also just let my mind roam free, creating as I went. This month, […]

Gearing Up for Nanowrimo

This isn’t the first time I’ve done Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). In fact, one year I did hit my 50,000 year goal- about 40 minutes after midnight while I was in South Korea. However, I started with about 18,000 words. The project? The first draft of Collision. This was back in 2019. Now, two years later, I am attempting […]

Hello and Welcome to Niera!

I finally accomplished my goal for October: create my author website. So hello! Take a look at my About or Books pages if you haven’t checked them out yet. These have the most important information for now. New tabs and pages will come eventually as needed, but for now, the important bits are here. Keep an eye on the blog, […]