• @vivianhalewrites
  • Wall of Glass, Alteniera

Characters, Magic, and Memories

It’s been another two months and a lot has been adjusted. First, who the main characters are and what they look like! The second is a graphic I created to explain the magic system of the worlds. Lastly, I did a lot of reorganizing in the real world and found some of my old stories from grade school and high […]

Rough Drafts, Adjustments, and TikTok

It’s been two months since I’ve posted to my blog, and I’m not sure how time got away from me. Late April, I started writing a new story I have titled Shadows of Somniera (SoS). I also decided that after 45,000 words, I was bored of Immersion, which was not a good sign! After lurking on TikTok for a few […]