• @vivianhalewrites
  • Wall of Glass, Alteniera


Mini Bio

Vivian Hale is an aspiring author that has written a few short stories for small magazines and a devotional page for a booklet. She graduated with a degree in Psychology with an emphasis in School Guidance and wrote the first 50 pages of her current work in progress Collision as part of her Senior Thesis in the Honors Program. She has also traveled to several countries, including: Greece, Italy, England, and South Korea. She currently lives in Texas after a two year stint teaching in South Korea.

Longer Bio

Hello! My pen name is Vivian Hale, though I go by many different iterations online. You can find me going by Viv, Endless Sonrise (yes, spelled like that–it’s my usual gamer tag), and a menace to society.  

I wrote my first short story in 2nd grade as a part of an assignment–and I never stopped. The type of stories I write now aren’t too far from where I started: high fantasy and speculative fiction. Most of what I write is clean and fun adventure stories, with some hints of romance, religious influence, and heavier topics (maybe more than hints on the last two). The world of Niera has been in the works since I was 16, and over 10 years later, I am finally ready to guide readers through the portal to the Kingdoms.

I love RPGs, manhwas (Korean comics), donghuas (Chinese animation), and character creation games, which only fuel my writing inspiration. My favorite books and stories to read are similar to what I write: YA clean, fantasy, and isekai (a sub-genre of fantasy in which a character is suddenly transported from their world into a new or unfamiliar one–a heavy influence in Collision!). 

Outside that, I dabble in other hobbies and interests, such as art, rocks, and ball-jointed dolls. (Who knew how great they are at representing characters?) I also have a penchant for trying to learn new languages (the current one being Chinese).

Welcome to Niera, and I hope you enjoy your stay (however long it may be–keep track of the time, or you’ll find yourself in a Narnia sized predicament!)